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Royalty-Paid Music Guarantee

We feel your pain in having to pay for expensive public performance licenses to play any music at your premise.

That's where we come in. All royalty relating to our music has already been paid off, and we've obtained the necessary licenses to enable businesses to stream our music worry-free!

This means, by subscribing to our platform and playing our music, businesses do not need to pay for any additional public performance music rights, to any music rights collection agencies.

Why is our Music Royalty-Paid?

Our music streaming platform allows our partnered artiste to earn revenue from the subscription fees, and additionally from advertising. 


By subscribing to MusixMusix, businesses are supporting the growth of the indie music industry (our major contributors to our music library) albeit with a new revenue model through our music streaming platform.


Because of the potential to achieve greater revenue with us, our partnered artiste chose to not enlist a music rights collection agency or organization to collect royalties (in the form of public performance rights) on their behalf.


LISTEN! Our guarantee only covers music within our library. Therefore, businesses are still liable for copyright infringement, if they've played music not included in our platform.


We do not encourage playing music without paying, as we believe in fairness for all parties involved in creating the music. Our service serves only as an alternate way to collect revenues for our partnered artiste in the B2B environment.

Get a feel of our curated playlist
Over 50,000 + songs!
MusixMusix Curated Playlist

Cafe l Mass

MusixMusix Curated Playlist
Chinese Restaurant l Exclusive
MusixMusix Curated Playlist

Retail Stores / Exclusive

MusixMusix Curated Playlist
Hotel Resort
MusixMusix Curated Playlist

Local Seasonal Playlist Included

A mix of vocal and instrumental Christmas music to get you in the mood just in time for the season 


A mix of vocal and instrumental Chinese New Years music to get you in the mood

Chinese New Year

A mix of vocal and instrumental Raya music to get you in the mood just in time for the mood 


Instrumental music to get you in the mood for the festival of light.


Music Curation

Save hours of manual work in music curation and leave it to the experts! Our music is curated by musicians who are trained in the art and science of psychoacoustics to help meet your business objectives.

How psychoacoustic
music curation works

Our music playlist is curated based on the principles of psychoacoustic to ensure brand-fit music is played throughout your premise.


Psychoacoustic music curation starts when our musicians curate a specific playlist based on various musical elements such as the rhythm, dynamics, melody, harmony, tone color, form, texture, and stringing it into a coherent flow of music to create the right vibe for your specific business environment. 


If used properly, a brand can increase their shoppers time spent on their store and ultimately increase their sales altogether. 


Our music playlist is organized into various business categories from Cafe, Retail, Hotel and more with various psychographic differentiators such as Mass, Medium and Premium Classes. Which helps businesses to easily select the playlist, best associated with their desired business positioning.

Get help playing the right type of music

Let us help you get started on playing the right type of music to meet your business objective without the pricey music licenses

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